Fretless Earthwood Bass with tapewound strings
 This looks just like my first bass. I nabbed this uncredited photo from Is that ok?  (I mean it's uncredited there ok?) I mean THank you What a great bass that was, and SOMEONE STOLE IT FROM THE MUSIC ROOM a
 This is TAPEWORM playing at my junior year talent show!  Click here to hear what this moment sounded like!
 the 7" record we made was featured in Maximum Rock and Roll's Killed By Death series.  Click here to hear Tapeworm's "Break My Face"
 A bass very much like my maligned Kramer
 Foam rubber under flatwounds
 A Peavey T-40... Just what mine looked like before I had the frets ripped off. I stole this pic from someone's sale ad, OK?   
 That's the Ibanez rb820 on the left. I wrote on it with white out.
 My Steinberger. My fingers have put many miles on that thing.
 portrait of the artist as some young boom
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